The Adventure Begins…

After a 10-year high school reunion in 1994, old friends crack open their long-abandoned tabletop roleplaying game. By some strange twist of fate, they are teleported into the world of their campaign! They’re almost thirty, barely functional, and up against a real world of might, magic, and mayhem!

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The Campaign Trailer

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Meet the cast of The Campaign

We are fortunate to have a great group of actors to bring the characters to life. Get to know our adventurers.

The Campaign’s motto is “We’re a comedy show FIRST. It’ll be hilarious how good our fantasy elements are.”

Interview on NerdLanta Live

Our Creator, Matt Metzger, got to hang out with the gang at NerdLanta Live and show a pre-screening of The Campaign Pilot.

Radio Labyrinth Podcast Interview

Check out the full interview with The Campaign creator, Matt Metzger, on Radio Labyrinth, where he digs deep on how the show came together.

The Campaign show interview with Matt Metzger on Radio Labyrinth Podcast

Crowdfunding Thanks!

Our very own Preston, (aka Ryan) makes good on his promise to give a shout out (while dressed in a Spidey suit) to all those who contributed to our crowdfunding campaign.

Brought To You By

Action Show Studios
J and J Productions